Once it comes out into the open that an affair has occurred in a relationship, the most difficult thing for couples to manage is communication. Emotions of guilt and remorse on one side, shock and betrayal on the other can leave couples feeling like their relationship is at an unrecoverable end. Anger and hurt, defensiveness and rationalization get in the way of allowing a couple to push past the affair and deal with underlying issues.
Recovery from infidelity is rare without proper counseling. Stuart has created a free eBook to help you with where to start.

We are social beings there is no denying that relationships with others are vital to our lives.
There’s not a sadder feeling in the world than to be in a relationship where you feel you are alone or that you might be better off alone. This book is designed to help you learn how to connect with your partner and to stop feeling alone in your relationship. These steps can be applied to any relationship in need of a stronger, deeper connection. Please remember these guidelines are not a substitute for professional counseling.

Are you thinking about couples counseling? Maybe you don’t really know what to expect from couples counseling. This free guide will help you to learn how your relationship can be improved with couples counseling.
If you are interested in working with Stuart, please schedule your 30 Minute Telephone Consultation.30 MINUTE CONSULTATION