5 04, 2018

Marriage Counseling: Age is Just a Number… or Is It?


We don’t call them May/December romances anymore. In today’s society, a large age difference between two people in love doesn’t seem as much of an issue as it once did. In the age of gender fluidity, acceptance of same sex unions, interracial love and all the combinations and ways that people find and fall [...]

Marriage Counseling: Age is Just a Number… or Is It?2018-04-05T19:49:37+00:00
3 04, 2018

Relationship Advice: Why You Need to Stop Nagging


I know it can get to be an awful habit. We find ourselves repeating the same things over and over in an endless loop of “nag, nag nag…” While that thing that you’re nagging your partner about may seem like a huge deal, if you step back for a moment, you might see that [...]

Relationship Advice: Why You Need to Stop Nagging2018-04-03T15:03:39+00:00
29 03, 2018

It’s not about the dirty socks on the floor, so what is it?


There are couples fighting every day in homes across America about seemingly small things that get each other down. I hear about it when couples come to my office for counseling. He starts about what she does or doesn’t do, then she fires back about the dirty socks he leaves on the floor, then [...]

It’s not about the dirty socks on the floor, so what is it?2018-03-29T15:55:23+00:00
26 03, 2018

Marriage Counseling: How Deep is my love?


One of the conversations that I hear often when counseling couples in my office practice is about being in love. Couples come to me because one of them at least, is still in love with the other and even though they’re having conflict or struggles, being in love is important to them and they [...]

Marriage Counseling: How Deep is my love?2018-03-26T16:49:21+00:00
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