1 10, 2021

Courtship: 10 Ways To Woo Your Partner


Courtship is a wonderful thing. This list of ten ways to start a relationship with someone you’re attracted to can be considered suggestions and the order is not set in stone. Numbers 1 and 10 however, should definitely be first and last. Far too many people start with dating and romance, when friendship should always be the [...]

Courtship: 10 Ways To Woo Your Partner2021-10-01T22:32:50+00:00
18 07, 2019

Too Late to Fall


You may think it just can’t happen for you, it’s just not in the cards. Maybe you’ve had a few (or more than a few) relationships that haven’t worked out. You may be divorced, have grown kids or be a widow or widower. You’ve given up on the idea that you’ll never find a person [...]

Too Late to Fall2019-07-18T19:25:57+00:00
4 10, 2018

Where Did Our Sex Life Go?


Hello and welcome to The Couples Expert Podcast, with your host Stuart Fensterheim. This is episode 181 or our show. Today, Stuart talks about the difference in sexual desire. We come together quite often with different types of libidos, but when we first get together and the passion is there. After a period of [...]

Where Did Our Sex Life Go?2020-01-02T18:08:52+00:00
21 08, 2018

What are you Looking for in a Partner?


The qualities of the people we choose for a partner in life and love are the ones we most admire. Sometimes those are some of the characteristics we believe we are lacking in ourselves, or wish we were better at embodying them. These are 7 qualities of people with integrity; after all, isn’t that [...]

What are you Looking for in a Partner?2018-08-21T17:07:04+00:00
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