Is marriage the next logical step for you and your partner? How do you know if you’re ready for marriage or not? Your family might be pressuring you to get married and at the same time your friends are telling you you’re too young, don’t give up your freedom just yet. Who should you listen to and when is the right time?

Marriage is, as you know a huge step, and one that not everyone should take. For you to get married, you have to be willing to make a choice to put someone else’s happiness above your own at times, to give from the depths of your emotion, even when you don’t feel like it, and to place your trust and confidence completely in someone else’s hands.  Are you ready for marriage?

Marriage is waking up and going to bed next to the same person day in and day out for the rest of your life. It’s living with the noises and smells of the other person, their picky habits and strange rituals. It’s them leaving the toilet seat up, and make up on the bathroom counter. It’s eating together and sleeping together and sharing everything. Are you ready for marriage?

It’s being together in your good times and bad times. It’s taking care of each other when you’re sick or hurt. Listening to each other complaining and watching each other get fatter and thinner and wrinkled and tired and old. It’s building a future with someone and knowing that 5, 10 or 25 years down the line it’s that same face, that same voice, that same body that you will be living with day after day for years. Are you ready for marriage?

When you know that you can tell your partner anything, and do. When you think their snoring sounds beautiful (Ok I’m stretching it here) and you can’t live a day without their laughter in your ears. When you know that all you want in life is to see your partner’s smile, to see them in the eyes of your children. To know that you have the best other half that exists in the world for you. To know that all you ever want is that person’s happiness and love. That any problem can be solved if you’re together, that any storm can be weathered if your partner is by your side. You don’t want to be with anyone else forever. Yes. You’re ready for marriage.

If you’re not sure about what you need to prepare yourself for marriage, The Couples Expert offers a 12 week premarital course so that you and your partner can prepare for married life and talk about all the things you need to have a successful marriage. Love isn’t always enough. Prepare yourselves for marriage by having the 12 Conversations.


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