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Hello and welcome to The Couples Expert Podcast! This is episode 150 of our show. Stuart’s topic today is romance and Valentine’s Day. Stuart has done previous Valentine’s Day podcasts, but this year is going to be a bit different. He’s going to be discussing the other 364 days of the year where you have an opportunity to be just as romantic as you would on Valentine’s Day.
Stuart did a presentation for Podfest 2018 in Orlando this past week and he came back so jazzed about talking to other podcasters about his love for his work. Speaking of love…
Romance is not about Valentine’s Day! You don’t love your partner only on February 14th. If that’s the only day you’re showing love to your partner, there’s something terribly wrong! Listen as Stuart brings you some valuable insight into romancing your partner all throughout the year.
What you’ll learn from today’s podcast:
- Romance is a living aspect of your partnership 2:48
- Pay attention to your partner to learn what they think is romantic 4:56
- Making your gifts meaningful -The most romantic things are not just things 6:00
- Those little things you do for each other that makes it all worthwhile 7:33
- Romance is in the details of your daily interactions 12:15
- The most unromantic, romantic gestures of the year 16:54
[spp-tweet tweet=”Romance is not about Valentine’s Day!“]
Appearances and superficial gifts change and pass away. The love you share with each other, the little kindnesses you share are the things that last. Keep learning and growing together no matter how long you’ve been together. Your connection should deepen as time goes by. Have new experiences and have adventures that are just for the two of you. Be that little old couple holding hands walking down the road. You’re building that romance that will carry you for the rest of your lives.
This podcast is sponsored by: Stuart’s Daily Notes Stuart’s Daily Notes is a subscription email service where subscribers like you who have relationship issues and questions can get a little piece of advice, a tip or suggestion from Stuart in your email inbox 5 days a week. These are practical and insightful ideas from Stuart that you can use right now, today to improve the quality of your interactions with your partner. Subscribe here: https://www.thecouplesexpertscottsdale.com/stuart-daily-notes/
Subscribe: You can subscribe to The Couples Expert Podcast on iTunes. Stuart would love it if you’d write a review or suggest a future topic. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-couples-expert/id951362894?mt=2
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Email Stuart at: podcast@thecouplesexperts.com
Thank you so much for spending part of your day with Stuart Fensterheim, The Couples Expert. We hope today’s show has been helpful and meaningful to you. Until next time, stay positive, and stay connected.
Did you see Stuart live on Good Morning Arizona? If not, view it here.
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